I am Bob
My niece remarked to me the other day that me and my husband have had "a doozy of a year." It certainly ended with a bit of chaos. Bob went missing for about 6 days and then the filthy animal came back as if nothing had happened. Little bastard.
I am Bob.
And for Christmas my husband contracted COVID after avoiding it for however long we've been in this new era. Even vaccinated, it knocked him for a loop with a 103ºF fever and aches that he said felt like "[my] bones were breaking." Amazingly, I never got sick although we masked indoors and isolated for the week he was ill. How I dodged that bullet, I'll never know.
I have been in the studio playing a bit for upcoming wood-firings. Best to stock up on things to fill the kiln. This time of year is the time to mess around a bit.
Happy Holidays and a Happy Christmas to everyone and the best to everyone for 2024!